Valamis is the 7th Best Workplace in Europe
Valamis was recognized by the Great Place to Work Institute as the 7th best workplace in the category Small and Medium Workplaces in Europe. With over 2,250 companies from 19 European countries participating in the 2016 research, the institute announced this year’s results last evening, at the awards ceremony held in Dublin, Ireland.
Every year, the Great Place to Work Institute ranks the 100 Best Workplaces in Europe, and while Valamis has appeared in the list for many years now, this is a new record for the company. Last year Valamis ranked 30th. Earlier this year the company was also selected, for the third time in a row, as Finland’s 4th greatest place to work.
“During the past year we have targeted our business from IT service business towards the digital transformation of learning and internationalization. This has required a lot of communication, adaptation, learning new things, and new kinds of recruitments from us. It’s rewarding to see how well our employees have kept up with all the changes. Also, they do their work with their hearts in it”, says Chief Human Resource Officer Maria Vihtkari from Valamis.
Some of the practices and procedures adopted by Valamis create a strong basis for internalizing and receiving changes. The company understands the importance of open communication and gives special attention to employee’s input when implementing changes. Valamis also beliefs that work efficiency can be increased by supporting employees in their own development and by strengthening the sense of community inside the organization, for example.
“Valamis encourages you to bring out the best of your authentic self, and as a result, you have great professionals with an amazing synergy with their teammates. Yes, we work hard to accomplish our goals, but also we know how to have fun! Indeed this is a great place to work”, says Sales Coordinator Johanna Hiltunen from Valamis.
We thank all Valamis employees for making Valamis one of the Best Workplaces in Europe 2016!
Valamis is an internationally growing IT company specialized in the digitalization of learning. The company’s customers are large organizations in both private and public sectors. With its headquarters in Joensuu, Finland, Valamis has offices worldwide.
Additional Details
- Learn more about Valamis – Learning Experience Platform.
- Learn what is an LXP?
More information:
Valamis Ltd.
Maria Vihtkari
Chief Human Resource Officer
+358 44 5250 932
About Valamis
Valamis is an internationally growing IT company specialized in the digitalization of learning. The company was recently listed in Gartner’s 2018 Market Guide for Corporate Learning Suites as a Representative Vendor of the product Valamis. Valamis – Learning Experience Platform helps customers convert the benefits of the digital transformation into a competitive advantage. Valamis’ customers are large organizations in both private and public sectors. With its headquarters in Joensuu, Finland, Valamis has offices worldwide.
* The research is based on a Great Place to Work’s definition of a good workplace: A good workplace is a place, where the employees trust the organization’s management, are proud of what they do, and enjoy working with their colleagues.